Counties > Titus

General Information

Population: 30,811
County Seat: Mount Pleasant 75455
Square Mileage: 411

100 West First St., Suite 200
Mt. Pleasant, TX 75455
(903) 577-6791
(903) 577-6793
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Office Office Holder (903) Phone / Fax
County Judge The Honorable Kent Cooper (903) 577-6791 / (903) 577-6793
District Attorney
  District 76
The Honorable David Colley (903) 577-6726 / (903) 577-6729
County Attorney John M. Cobern (903) 572-0382 / (903) 577-7540
District Clerk Marcus D. Carlock IV (903) 577-6724 / (903) 577-6719
County Clerk Leslie Brosnan (903) 577-6796 / (903) 572-5078
County Treasurer Dana Wallace-Applewhite (903) 572-8723 / (903) 577-6718
Tax Assessor-Collector Melissa Stevens (903) 577-6712 / (903) 577-6714
Sheriff Tim Ingram (903) 572-6641 / (903) 577-8038
County Auditor Carl Johnson, Jr. (903) 572-8101 / (903) 572-1467
Chief Appraiser Shirley Dickerson (903) 572-7939 / (903) 572-5147
Elections Administrator Pamela Holmes (903) 575-0902 / (903) 575-1117
County Commissioner:
  Precinct 1
Jeffrey Parchman (903) 573-3030
  Precinct 2 Joe D. Mitchell (903) 563-1077
  Precinct 3 Dana Applewhite (903) 563-3173
  Precinct 4 Jimmy Parker (903) 573-6202
Justice of the Peace:
  Precinct 1
Steve Agan (903) 577-6760 / (903) 572-0971
  Precinct 2 Irma Dunn (903) 577-6756 / (903) 572-0921
  Precinct 1
Chris Durant (903) 577-6762 / (903) 572-0971
  Precinct 2 Ray Barrett (903) 577-6766 / (903) 572-0921