Counties > Jones

General Information

Population: 20,504
County Seat: Anson 79501
Square Mileage: 931

  P. O. Box 148
  Anson, TX 79501
(325) 823-3741
(325) 823-4223
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Office Office Holder (325) Phone / Fax
County Judge The Honorable Dale Spurgin (325) 823-3741 / (325) 823-4223
District Attorney
  District 259
Isaac M. Castro (325) 823-2742 / (325) 823-2322
County Attorney Chad Cowan (325) 823-3771 / (325) 823-4223
District Clerk Lacey Hansen (325) 823-3731 / (325) 823-3289
County Clerk LeeAnn Jennings (325) 823-3762 / (325) 823-3979
County Treasurer Kristian Smith (325) 823-3742 / (325) 823-2065
Tax Assessor-Collector Gloria J. Little (325) 823-2437
Sheriff Danny Jimenez (325) 823-3201 / (325) 823-2099
County Auditor Gwen Bailey (325) 823-3919 / (325) 823-4592
Chief Appraiser Kim McLemore (325) 823-2422 / (325) 823-2424
Elections Administrator LeeAnn Jennings
County Commissioner:
  Precinct 1
Roy Spalding (325) 576-3421 / (325) 823-4223
  Precinct 2 Lonnie Vivian (325) 280-9669 / (325) 823-4223
  Precinct 3 Danny Collett (325) 537-2674 / (325) 823-4223
  Precinct 4 Joel T. Sprayberry (325) 823-2470 / (325) 823-4223
Justice of the Peace Cheryl Guernsey (325) 823-3761 / (325) 823-4205
Constable Nic Puente (325) 823-2656 / (325) 823-4223