Counties > Kent

General Information

Population: 750
County Seat: Jayton 79528
Square Mileage: 902

101 Main Street
P.O. Box 6
Jayton, TX 79528
(806) 237-3373
(806) 237-2632
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Office Office Holder (806) Phone / Fax
County Judge The Honorable Layne Coulter (806) 237-3373 / (806) 237-2632
District Attorney
  District 39
Mike Fouts (940) 864-2072 / (940) 864-3364
County Attorney Katie Lackey (806) 237-3975 / (806) 237-2632
District & County Clerk Craig Harrison (806) 237-3881 / (806) 237-2300
County Treasurer Christy Long (806) 237-3075 / (806) 237-2632
Tax Assessor-Collector William Scogin (806) 237-3746 / (806) 237-3306
Sheriff William Scogin (806) 237-3801 / (806) 237-3306
Chief Appraiser Cindy Watson (806) 237-3066 / (806) 237-3067
Elections Administrator Craig Harrison
County Commissioner:
  Precinct 1
Turney Coulter (806) 237-6413 / (806) 237-2632
  Precinct 2 Ray Hall (806) 284-5432 / (806) 237-2632
  Precinct 3 Debra Myers (806) 237-9832 / (806) 237-2632
  Precinct 4 Robert Graham (806) 237-2938 / (806) 237-2632
Justice of the Peace
  Precinct 4
David Parker (806) 237-3646 / (806) 237-2632