Counties > King

General Information

Population: 222
County Seat: Guthrie 79236
Square Mileage: 912

  P.O. Box 127
  Guthrie, TX 79236
(806) 596-4411
(806) 596-4030
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Office Office Holder (806) Phone / Fax
County Judge The Honorable Duane Daniel (806) 596-4411 / (806) 596-4030
District Attorney
  District 50
Hunter Brooks (940) 889-2852 / (940) 888-3036
County Attorney George "Trey" Poage (806) 928-2872
District & County Clerk Jammye D. Timmons (806) 596-4412 / (806) 596-4664
County Treasurer Maggie Oliver (806) 596-4319 / (806) 596-4010
Tax Assessor-Collector Amy McCauley (806) 596-4318 / (806) 596-4030
Sheriff Mike McWhirter (806) 596-4413 / (806) 596-4316
Chief Appraiser Kala Briggs (806) 596-4588 / (806) 596-4041
Elections Administrator Jammye D. Timmons
County Commissioner:
  Precinct 1
Landon Lorance (806) 596-4341 / (806) 596-4664
  Precinct 2 Chris McCauley (806) 596-4434 / (806) 596-4664
  Precinct 3 Dwayne Green (806) 596-4497 / (806) 596-4664
  Precinct 4 Jay Hurt (806) 596-4389 / (806) 596-4664
Justice of the Peace Melody Pettiet (806) 596-4481 / (806) 596-4664