Counties > Loving

General Information

Population: 51
County Seat: Mentone 79754
Square Mileage: 669

  Courthouse, 100 Bell St.
  P.O. Box 193
  Mentone, TX 79754
(432) 309-9500
(432) 789-2194
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Office Office Holder (432) Phone / Fax
County Judge The Honorable Skeet Lee Jones - Suspended (432) 309-9500 x5 / (432) 789-2194
District Attorney
  District 143
Sarah Stogner (432) 445-2010 / (432) 445-2015
County Attorney Stephen Simonsen (432) 309-9500 / (432) 789-2194
District & County Clerk Mozelle Carr (432) 309-9500 x6 / (432) 789-2194
County Treasurer Regina Wilkinson (432) 309-9500 x9 / (432) 789-2193
Tax Assessor-Collector Dave Landersman (432) 309-9292
Sheriff Dave Landersman (432) 377-2411 / (432) 897-1144
County Auditor Taylor Trotter (432) 309-9500 x8
f: (469) 789-2193
Chief Appraiser Sherlene Burrows, RPA, RTA ,CTA (432) 377-2201 / (432) 253-3622
Elections Administrator Mozelle Carr (432) 309-9500
f: (469) 646-4921
County Commissioner:
  Precinct 1
Harlan Hopper (432) 377-2261 / (432) 789-2194
  Precinct 2 Ysidro Renteria (432) 448-5090 / (432) 789-2194
  Precinct 3 Bo Williams (432) 940-3691 / (432) 789-2194
  Precinct 4 Brad Cook (432) 209-2067 / (432) 789-2194
Justice of the Peace Angela Medlin (432) 286-9544 / (432) 789-2196
Constable Brandon Wintana Jones (432) 309-9500 x4 / (432) 789-2194