Counties > Maverick

General Information

Population: 57,757
County Seat: Eagle Pass 78852
Square Mileage: 1,280

  500 Quarry Street
  Suite 3
  Eagle Pass, TX 78852
(830) 773-3824
(830) 773-6450
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Office Office Holder (830) Phone / Fax
County Judge The Honorable Ramsey E. Cantu (830) 773-3824 / (830) 773-6450
District Attorney
  District 293
Roberto Serna (830) 773-9268 / (830) 773-9379
County Attorney Jaime "AJ" Iracheta (830) 773-3520 / (830) 757-2863
District Clerk Leopoldo "Polo" Vielma (830) 773-2629 / (830) 773-4439
County Clerk Sara Montemayor (830) 773-2829 / (830) 752-4479
County Treasurer Rito J. Valdez III (830) 773-2413 / (830) 757-6957
Tax Assessor-Collector Ruben Montemayor (830) 773-9273 / (830) 773-6378
Sheriff Tom Schmerber (830) 773-2321 / (830) 752-1413
County Auditor Sonia V. Junfin (830) 773-3708 / (830) 773-4749
Chief Appraiser Maggie Mata-Duran (830) 773-0255 / (830) 773-8652
Elections Administrator Isamari S. Villarreal (830) 757-4175 / (830) 757-4337
County Commissioner:
  Precinct 1
Gerardo "Jerry" Morales (830) 773-7672 / (830) 773-6473
  Precinct 2 Rosanna "Roxi" Rios (830) 752-4472
  Precinct 3 Olga Ramos (830) 773-1716 / (830) 773-7730
  Precinct 4 Roberto Ruiz (830) 773-1057 / (830) 752-1210
Justice of the Peace:
  Precinct 1
Kina Mancha (830) 757-9201 / (830) 752-1664
  Precinct 2 Ernie Leija (830) 752-1323 / (830) 757-4475
  Precinct 3 Pl. 1 Domingo Rodriguez (830) 757-2710 / (830) 325-7050
  Precinct 3 Pl. 2 Jeannie Smith (830) 758-5993 / (830) 758-5998
  Precinct 4 Teresa Hernandez (830) 773-9616 / (830) 757-1105
  Precinct 1
Cecy Maldonado (830) 421-7239
  Precinct 2 Alberto "Beto" De La Torre (830) 968-9712
  Precinct 3 Pl. 1 Mario A. Hernandez (830) 325-0132
  Precinct 3 Pl. 2 Abraham "Happy" Martinez
  Precinct 4 Jose "Mike" Beattie (830) 752-1210
f: (210) 269-5670