Counties > Parker

General Information

Population: 177,012
County Seat: Weatherford 76086
Square Mileage: 904

  1 Courthouse Square
  Weatherford, TX 76086
(817) 598-6148
(817) 598-6199
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Office Office Holder (817) Phone / Fax
County Judge The Honorable Pat Deen (817) 598-6148 / (817) 598-6199
District Attorney
  District 43
Jeff Swain (817) 598-6124 / (817) 599-7628
County Attorney John Forrest (817) 594-8409 / (817) 594-8414
District Clerk Sharena Gilliland (817) 598-6114 / (817) 598-6131
County Clerk Lila Jean Deakle (817) 598-6163 / (817) 594-9540
County Treasurer Rebecca McCullough (817) 598-6150 / (817) 598-6180
Tax Assessor-Collector Jennifer "Jenny" Gentry (817) 598-6139 / (817) 598-6133
Sheriff Russell Authier (817) 594-8845 / (817) 594-7809
County Auditor Brianna Fowler (817) 598-6188
Chief Appraiser Larry Hammonds (817) 596-0077 / (817) 613-8096
Elections Administrator Crickett Miller (817) 598-6185 / (817) 598-6183
County Commissioner:
  Precinct 1
George Conley (817) 220-7218 / (817) 220-7220
  Precinct 2 Jacob Holt (817) 594-4022
  Precinct 3 Larry D. Walden (817) 594-0371 / (817) 594-4496
  Precinct 4 Mike Hale (817) 596-0004 / (817) 596-5016
Justice of the Peace:
  Precinct 1
Kelvin Miles (817) 220-5857 / (817) 523-4524
  Precinct 2 Kelly Green (682) 229-2171
f: (817) 598-0476
  Precinct 3 Randall Grissom (817) 598-6086 / (817) 598-6112
  Precinct 4 Tim Mendolia (682) 229-2224
f: (817) 441-4170
  Precinct 1
Ray Wright (682) 229-2104
  Precinct 2 Joe Harris, Jr. (682) 229-2167
  Precinct 3 Glen Praytor (817) 598-6117
  Precinct 4 Scott Jones (682) 229-2228