Counties > Parmer

General Information

Population: 9,466
County Seat: Farwell 79325
Square Mileage: 882

  P.O. Box 506
  Farwell, TX 79325
(806) 481-3383
(806) 481-9548
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Office Office Holder (806) Phone / Fax
County Judge The Honorable Isabel "Izzy" Carrasco (806) 481-3383 / (806) 481-9548
District Attorney
  District 287
Jackie R. Claborn II (896) 272-5558
County Attorney Jeff W. Actkinson (806) 481-3361 / (806) 481-9060
District Clerk Sandra Warren (806) 481-3419 / (806) 481-9416
County Clerk Susan Spring (806) 481-3691 / (806) 481-9548
County Treasurer Sharon May (806) 481-9152 / (806) 481-9154
Tax Assessor-Collector Awyna Sanchez (806) 481-3845 / (806) 481-9548
Sheriff Eric Geske (806) 481-3303 / (806) 481-3305
Chief Appraiser Jill D. Timms (806) 251-1405 / (806) 251-1121
Elections Administrator Susan Spring
County Commissioner:
  Precinct 1
Kirk Frye (806) 265-7514
  Precinct 2 Charles Wilkins (806) 225-7466
  Precinct 3 Kenny White (806) 225-7237
  Precinct 4 Casey Russell (806) 543-5883
Justice of the Peace:
  Precinct 1
Rhonda Wilkins (806) 250-2412 / (806) 250-2414
  Precinct 2 Deena L. Leuea (806) 251-1356 / (806) 251-1579
  Precinct 3 Pamela Haseloff (806) 481-9964 / (806) 481-9965