Counties > Brazoria

General Information

Population: 395,575
County Seat: Angleton 77515
Square Mileage: 1,386

111 E. Locust, Suite 102A
Angleton, TX 77515
(979) 864-1200
(979) 849-4655
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Office Office Holder (979) Phone / Fax
County Judge The Honorable Matt Sebesta (979) 864-1200 / (979) 849-4655
Criminal District Attorney The Honorable Thomas J. "Tom" Selleck (979) 864-1230 / (979) 864-1525
District Clerk Cassandra Tigner (979) 864-1316 / (979) 864-1770
County Clerk Joyce Hudman (979) 864-1362 / (979) 864-1358
County Treasurer Angela Dees (979) 864-1353 / (979) 864-1680
Tax Assessor-Collector Kristin R. Bulanek (979) 864-1320 / (979) 864-1346
Sheriff L. "Bo" Stallman III (979) 864-2392 / (979) 848-8003
County Auditor Connie Garner (979) 864-1275 / (979) 864-1585
Chief Appraiser Cheryl Evans (979) 849-7792 / (979) 849-7984
County Commissioner:
  Precinct 1
Donald W. "Dude" Payne (979) 265-3953 / (979) 265-5409
  Precinct 2 Ryan Cade (979) 864-1548
  Precinct 3 Stacy L. Adams (281) 331-3197 / (281) 331-6586
  Precinct 4 David Linder (979) 345-1130 / (979) 345-2839
Justice of the Peace:
  Precinct 1 Pl. 1
Jack Brown (979) 297-4650 / (979) 297-4599
  Precinct 1 Pl. 2 Robin Rape (979) 233-4700 / (979) 233-8008
  Precinct 2 Pl. 1 John Vasut (281) 756-2410 / (281) 489-4435
  Precinct 2 Pl. 2 Richard B. Davis (979) 864-1402 / (979) 864-1637
  Precinct 3 Pl. 1 Mike Merkel (281) 331-3524 / (281) 756-0830
  Precinct 3 Pl. 2 Roy Castillo (281) 485-1528 / (281) 485-8720
  Precinct 4 Pl. 1 Sarah Linder (713) 844-1777
f: (281) 489-5274
  Precinct 4 Pl. 2 Sherry Kersh (979) 345-2671 / (979) 345-3013
  Precinct 1
David Thacker (979) 236-6917 / (979) 299-0012
  Precinct 2 William Howell (281) 756-2491 / (281) 692-1769
  Precinct 3 CB "Buck" Stevens (281) 997-9777 / (281) 412-7034
  Precinct 4 James Brawner (979) 345-2115 / (979) 345-6434