Counties > Upshur

General Information

Population: 41,524
County Seat: Gilmer 75644
Square Mileage: 588

  P.O. Box 730
  Gilmer, TX 75644
(903) 843-4001
(903) 843-5492
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Office Office Holder (903) Phone / Fax
County Judge The Honorable Todd Tefteller (903) 843-4003 / (903) 843-0827
Criminal District Attorney The Honorable Billy Byrd (903) 843-5513 / (903) 843-3661
District Clerk Nicole Hernandez (903) 843-5031 / (903) 843-3540
County Clerk Terri Ross (903) 843-4015 / (903) 843-4504
County Treasurer Brandy Vick (903) 843-4027 / (903) 843-3478
Tax Assessor-Collector Luana Howell (903) 843-3085 / (903) 843-3083
Sheriff Lawrence "Larry" Webb (903) 843-2541 / (903) 843-2368
County Auditor Connie Williams (903) 843-4001 / (903) 843-4818
Chief Appraiser Amanda Thibodeaux (903) 843-3041 / (903) 843-5764
Elections Administrator Lory Harle (903) 680-8506 / (903) 843-5492
County Commissioner:
  Precinct 1
Gene Dolle (903) 680-8155 / (903) 843-4301
  Precinct 2 Dustin Nicholson (903) 680-8156 / (903) 843-4301
  Precinct 3 Michael L. Ashley (903) 680-8157 / (903) 843-4301
  Precinct 4 Jay W. Miller (903) 680-8158 / (903) 843-4301
Justice of the Peace:
  Precinct 1
Wyone Manes (903) 680-6269 / (903) 680-6769
  Precinct 2 Lyle Potter (903) 843-5023 / (903) 843-4772
  Precinct 3 Rhonda Welch (903) 680-8350 / (903) 844-0103
  Precinct 4 Anthony Betterton (903) 843-4039 / (903) 843-5347
  Precinct 1
Tim Barnett (903) 680-8356 / (903) 680-6769
  Precinct 2 Jason Weeks (903) 680-8201 / (903) 843-4772
  Precinct 3 Ronnie G. Mitchell (903) 680-8354 / (903) 844-0103
  Precinct 4 David S. Thompson (903) 680-8121 / (903) 843-5347