Counties > Wheeler

General Information

Population: 4,822
County Seat: Wheeler 79096
Square Mileage: 914

401 Main St.
P.O. Box 486
Wheeler, TX 79096
(806) 826-5961
(806) 826-3282
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Office Office Holder (806) Phone / Fax
County Judge The Honorable Pat McDowell (806) 826-5961 / (806) 826-3282
District Attorney
  District 31
The Honorable Franklin McDonough (806) 669-8035 / (806) 669-8050
County Attorney Leslie Timmons (806) 826-2042 / (806) 826-3282
District Clerk Sherri Jones (806) 826-5931 / (806) 826-0346
County Clerk Margaret Dorman (806) 826-5544 / (806) 826-3282
County Treasurer Renee Warren (806) 826-3122 / (806) 826-0502
Tax Assessor-Collector Cindy L. Brown (806) 826-3131 / (806) 826-3282
Sheriff Johnny G. Carter (806) 826-5537 / (806) 826-3458
Sheriff Sheriff Elect Tim Reeves
Chief Appraiser Kimberly Morgan (806) 826-5900 / (806) 826-5960
Elections Administrator Margaret Dorman
County Commissioner:
  Precinct 1
Jackie Don May, Jr. (806) 826-9010
  Precinct 2 Phillip Gaines (806) 826-9010
  Precinct 3 David W. Simpson (806) 256-2852
  Precinct 4 John Walker (806) 256-3054
Justice of the Peace:
  Precinct 1
Natalie Thomas (806) 826-5768 / (806) 826-0610
  Precinct 2 Rick Walden (806) 256-2552 / (806) 256-2751
  Precinct 1
Mack Marshall (806) 826-5537 / (806) 826-3458
  Precinct 2 Kenneth Martindale (806) 826-5537 / (806) 826-3458