Counties > Comanche

General Information

Population: 13,954
County Seat: Comanche 76442
Square Mileage: 938

101 W. Central
Comanche, TX 76442
(325) 356-2466
(325) 356-3710
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Office Office Holder (325) Phone / Fax
County Judge The Honorable Stephanie Davis (325) 356-2466 / (325) 356-3710
District Attorney
  District 220
Adam Sibley (254) 435-2994
County Attorney Molly Odgers (325) 356-2313 / (325) 356-3070
District Clerk Brandy Jones (325) 356-2342 / (325) 356-2150
County Clerk Ruby Lesley (325) 356-2655 / (325) 356-5764
County Treasurer Patsy Phifer (325) 356-2838 / (325) 356-2838
Tax Assessor-Collector Grace Everhart (325) 356-3101 / (325) 356-5790
Sheriff Christopher Pounds (325) 356-7533 / (325) 356-3783
County Auditor Joey Boswell (325) 356-3834 / (325) 356-3710
Chief Appraiser JoAnn Hohertz, RPA, CCA (325) 356-5253 / (325) 356-1363
Elections Administrator Summer S. Olvera (254) 979-9578
f: (325) 356-5764
County Commissioner:
  Precinct 1
Sheldon T. Scott (325) 356-3895 / (325) 356-3097
  Precinct 2 Russell Gillette (325) 356-5426 / (325) 356-5426
  Precinct 3 Sherman L. Sides (254) 879-2537 / (254) 879-2537
  Precinct 4 Chance Singleton (254) 893-2184 / (254) 893-7284
Justice of the Peace Johnny Conine (325) 356-3543 / (325) 356-5514
Constable Mark McDonald (325) 356-5922 / (325) 356-3710