Counties > Dallam

General Information

Population: 7,300
County Seat: Dalhart 79022
Square Mileage: 1,505

  414 Denver Ave., Suite 301
  Dalhart, TX 79022
(806) 244-2450
(806) 244-2252
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Office Office Holder (806) Phone / Fax
County Judge The Honorable Wesley C. "Wes" Ritchey (806) 244-2450
District Attorney
  District 69
Erin Lands Anchondo (806) 935-5654 / (806) 934-2155
County Attorney Whitney Hill (806) 244-5711
District & County Clerk Terri Banks (806) 244-4751
County Treasurer Kenda McKay (806) 244-2530
Tax Assessor-Collector Jami Parr (806) 244-2801 / (806) 244-7801
Sheriff Shane Stevenson (806) 244-2313
Chief Appraiser Holly McCauley (806) 249-6767 / (806) 249-4124
Elections Administrator Terri Banks
County Commissioner:
  Precinct 1
Austin Sage (806) 244-2450
  Precinct 2 Corey Crabtree (806) 244-2450
  Precinct 3 Levi James (806) 244-2450
  Precinct 4 Floyd French (806) 244-2450
Justice of the Peace Carol Smith (806) 244-4827
Constable Charles Bell (806) 244-0779 / (806) 244-2252