Counties > Hansford

General Information

Population: 5,067
County Seat: Spearman 79081
Square Mileage: 920

  16 N.W. Court St.
  Spearman, TX 79081-2052
(806) 659-4100
(806) 659-4168
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Office Office Holder (806) Phone / Fax
County Judge The Honorable Tim Glass (806) 659-4100 / (806) 659-4168
District Attorney
  District 84
Mark W. Snider (806) 878-4022 / (806) 878-3117
County Attorney Cheryl Nelson (806) 659-4156
District & County Clerk Janet Torres (806) 659-4110 / (806) 659-4168
County Treasurer Cindy Lopez (806) 659-4125 / (806) 659-4168
Tax Assessor-Collector Linda Cummings (806) 659-4120 / (806) 659-4124
Sheriff Bob Mahafee (806) 659-4140 / (806) 659-2025
County Auditor Lynn French (806) 659-4105 / (806) 659-4168
Chief Appraiser Brandi Thompson (806) 659-5575 / (806) 659-5109
Elections Administrator Janet Torres
County Commissioner:
  Precinct 1
Ira G. "Butch" Reed (806) 659-4100 / (806) 659-4168
  Precinct 2 Robert W. Whitaker (806) 659-4100 / (806) 659-4168
  Precinct 3 Tim Stedje (806) 659-4100 / (806) 659-4168
  Precinct 4 Wylee R. Maupin (806) 659-4100 / (806) 659-4168
Justice of the Peace Dee Mayfield (806) 659-4165 / (806) 659-3715