Sen. Molly Cook (D)

Last modified on: 05-23-2024 10:25:45

TX Senator
(Texas Senate)

Entered Office: 05-2024 Term Ends: 01-2025 District: 15

General Information

Profession: Nurse Home Town: Houston

Personal Information

Batchelor's degree-UT Austin, 2013; Graduate degree-John Hopkins University

Senator Cook won election in May 2024 to the Senate seat formerly held by now Houston Mayor John Whitmire. She will hold the seat until January 2025. Senator Cook will be a candidate for office in the November 2024 election.

Office Information

Dist. 15 - Harris (20%)

Contact and Phone Numbers

Capitol Office:
Capitol Phone: (512) 463-0115
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District Map

P.O. Box 12068
Austin, TX 78711-2078
(512) 463-0115
