Norma Aguilar, TRMC, CMC

Last modified on: 01-03-2025 15:06:19

City Secretary

General Information

Personal Information

Norma Grimaldo was appointed City Secretary in August 1998, and served in the City Secretary’s office prior her appointment. Norma started with the City of Odessa in 1991 and continues to enjoy serving for the City of Odessa and the citizens.

The City Secretary serves as a liaison between citizens and the Mayor and Council. The office provides information to the citizens. The City Secretary attends all Council meetings and prepares the agenda. She oversees the municipal elections, boards and commissions and the Records Management Program. The City Council minutes are prepared and preserved by the City Secretary.

The City Secretary’s office strives to effectively respond to the diversified needs of our citizens as we provide professional assistance of public service.

Norma earned a Bachelor of Business Administration Degree from the University of Texas of the Permian Basin. Norma received her certification as a Texas Registered Municipal Clerk through the Texas Municipal Clerks Association (TMCA) at the University of North Texas in 2001. She serves on the TMCA Board as a trustee, since 2004. She has two children, Marc and Evette.

Contact and Phone Numbers

(432) 335-3276
(432) 335-4160
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General Contact for Odessa
  P.O. Box 4398
  Odessa, TX 79760-4398
(432) 335-3200
(432) 335-4160
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